I have thought about accepting the fact of paying $99.99 for the annual plan, but I am not that sure, particularly as I have not heard from the support team at Cobook/ FullContact. Now the LinkedIn integration is broken and there are no news on how one will be able to continue using it or move to the solution offered by FullContact. The app continued to work fine and simply was sufficient for me to keep my many contacts updated and essentially use it as a great repository of contacts and my network. At the time they just had launched their new version with a new pricing, but this seemed ok as it was a great app.

While a great step for the founders, it left customers hanging. It looked great (still does) and worked great (not so much anymore), but then it was bought by FullContact. It even allowed the social media integration with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and the likes. A wonderful app on top of the Apple Address Book that allowed me to integrate my Google Address Book with the one from Apple, syncing flawlessly with my iPhone. But this was a bit too pricey at the time. I then stumbled upon Highrise, which I thought nailed the element of simplicity with functionality paired with CRM. Evaluating options like Salesforce and smaller scale options showed certain complexities that were too much. I then looked into various options that would also allow me to integrate some CRM elements into it. The Google Address Book also helped to at least sync things from time to time. The Apple address book was then an option, while a rather dull affair and not that great. This particularly struck me when I started my own company moving away from a managed environment surrounding Outlook and my Blackberry.
#Cobook app free
and then people talk about Apple having invented that market), then into the Treo handset, then Outlook and Blackberry, managing contacts has never been a pain free experience. Starting with paper based address books that one went through every year with a new paper calendar book, later adding contacts in my trusted Palm Pilot (remember those "apps". Keeping your contacts up-to-date has been a constant struggle.